Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Problems with my scanner

Until now my scanner (a CanonScan LiDE 50) has been one of those peripherals that have always worked when I wanted it to work. That changed since I installed Tiger. For some reason I keep getting this message when I try to start the scanner: "Cannot communicate with scanner. Cable may be disconnected. Check status. Scanner driver will be closed." Reinstalled the latest plug-ins, switched USB cables, closed all other apps, but no response.

The funny thing is that it worked just a few days ago - under Tiger. And now I just can't get it to go. I will try to get it working with my PC. If it doesn't react there, then I can only surmise that it is on the blink. Good thing that scanners are rock-bottom cheap nowadays.

UPDATE (7-20-2005) A week on and I finally solved the problem, relying on my old Windows lore - it's the driver, stupid! The solution involved deleting the old "drivers" with an application called deldrv which I culled from the US Canon Support site (strangely this app is not available on the European site). So I unplugged the USB connection from the scanner, started deldrv, and reinstalled the Scangear software (ver. 7.134). Restarted the computer works again.

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